i'm not afraid to admit it, i am not a mom who looks forward to LONG summer days trying to be crafty, swimming in the pool or going to the beach with my kids. does that make me a bitch? perhaps, but i'll own it. i will turn into my children's minion in less than 24 hours and i'm already getting all freaked out about.
generally speaking, my kids play well together but like any other normal human being, they get sick of each other. and that's where the lunatic in me rears her ugly head. the bickering, the tattling, the whining - can't stand it! my kids need structure and i'm too lazy to provide it unless it involves me driving them to an offsite premises where i can pay camp counselors to entertain them ie: day camps. pretty bad for a former teacher right?!
we will in fact be out of town quite a bit this summer. however, going home to see my mother after a two year stand off isn't exactly going to be relaxing...gotta let that one go. anywho...
i guess this is my way of saying thank you. thank you to all of the amazing teachers out there who keep my kids out of my hair, i mean teach my kids 180 days a year and make the rest of the year not so h-e double hockey stick-ish!
school's out!