photo has been altered to protect the not so innocent

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

sanity renewal

i love my kids, but sometimes they make me crazy. have i mentioned that before? HA! sometimes, i just need to dash to the beach for a few to renew my sanity. selfish? na, i think not. rather, moments like this help restore balance.
it's free therapy. the quiet time alone renews me. it gives me a chance to take a moment or two for myself and just be still. 
it gives me a chance to think about my husband and my girls and realize just how lucky i really am. it gives me a chance to appreciate the little things.
it gives me a chance to just be ME, alone to breathe in the salty air and adjust my sails.
thank you mr. beach, always a pleasure.

2 comments: said...

Lol this is great!

{popped over from SITS}

Megan said...

oh man, that looks WONDERFUL! I wish I had a beach close by that I could just run to. That looks heavenly. And I love how you said that even though your family drives you crazy, once you get to the beach you are reminded how much you love them and feel lucky for them. very true!

thanks for linking up today!